
INVENTS aims to generate in silico (trials) based on existing knowledge and computational models under extrapolation approach and geometric distance approach

In 2013, the EU Commission funded three consortia under the call HEALTH.2013.4.2.3 – New methodologies for clinical trials for small population groups. These consortia focused on developing new methodologies for clinical trials in small population groups. While these consortia have published recommended methods, some applied in areas like neonatal seizures and Lyell Syndrome, recent revisions of EU legislation highlight underutilization of scientific and technological advancements. Nearly a decade later, as stated by the EU legislation on medicines for children and rare diseases initiative (EU Law 2021), there’s a recognized need for further development of methods and enhanced support for evaluating evidence from innovative approaches in clinical trials.

Overall methodology

INVENTS methodological development is based on 5 major methodological blocks, all complementary and interconnected. They are supported by 3 blocks including use cases, patients’ engagements and legal perspectives.


INVENTS WPs structure and relation between WPs


Increasing robustness of model-based treatment and extrapolation methods


Cope with missing knowledge


Increasing robustness of small population confirmatory trials


Proposing evidence synthesis approach


Developing evidence tools for regulatory decision making in RD


Ethical, legal issues and patients’ engagement in a regulatory perspective


Use cases and data sharing


Management and knowledge transfer

Identifying gaps in the knowledge-based workflow for in silico (trials)

Identifying gaps in the knowledge-based workflow for in silico (trials)

INVENTS framework for decision making


Cope with missing knowledge



To evaluate, to assess and to propose a workflow for using in silico methods, and approaches to generate virtual patients using various data sources and computational models

WP Leader

Main contributors


Increasing robustness of small population confirmatory trials 



To develop and assess innovative clinical trial designs that make use of mature computational models such as PKPD and in silico trials to improve the efficiency and robustness of these trials

WP Leader

Main contributors


Proposing evidence synthesis approach 



To deepen the understanding of how information originating from very different data sources should be synthesized, in particular, when in silico trials generating virtual patients and cohorts are involved. 

WP Leader

Main contributors


Developing evidence tools for regulatory decision making in RD



To provide applicants and assessors with a framework, assessment criteria and associated decision tools use of computational models with high impact on decision making for marketing approval and reimbursement for small populations. Models, spanning from fundamental to real-world data integration.

WP Leader

Main contributors


Ethical, legal issues and patients’ engagement in a regulatory perspective



To ensure the Ethical, Legal and Regulatory requirements and Patients’ perspective implementation

WP Leader

Main contributors


Use cases and data sharing



To provide use cases for the methods developed in work packages 1-5 and provide relevant data and disease area expertise. 

WP Leader

Main contributors


Management and knowledge transfer



To provide efficient management and coordination of the project and the consortium and to ensure progress of the project towards its planned objectives. To also address dissemination, communication and training activities as well as the protection, exploitation and further use of the project results

WP Leader

Main contributors


Increasing robustness of model-based treatment and extrapolation methods



To improve the robustness of extrapolation, modeling and simulation methods, to propose tools helping implement these approaches, and to provide evaluation criteria to use them in the decision-making process.

WP Leader

Main contributors